Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Palmiers and Sacristans (Classical Pastry)

Well classes are under way. And I am enjoying to the fullest. Once again I seem like am a rare breed..well at least in my class. I am one of two guys. Anyway today was the second day of class and we are just going through puff pastry. Yesterday, the first day, we started the first few folds of the dough learnt some new things so that's is a plus. Today we demo'ed three applications of puff pastry; palmiers, sarcristans and tarte tatin. Chef said my palmiers could have been a bit better but that kitchen is crazy especially with everyone opening and closing the ovens. I guess we have to arrange the oven so that the items go in at the same time.

The pastry lab is AWESOME!!! There are at 15 Kitchen Aid Mixers and an assortment of bad pastry equipment. AND IT IS TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED!! Take that TTHTI.

Oh I had a quiz today too. Day 2. Pretty sure I nearly aced it. Got some measurements off but hey I know I did not get less than an A- so that is good.

Bye for now. Next day we are going tarte tatins and Chantilly.

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