Saturday, October 23, 2010

Always One Short Of A Full Deck

Well yes I am finally back writing about my adventure up in this wonderful place. I know it has been two week since the last one but Cookies and Petit Fours wasn't all that exciting, ie: limited pictures.

First off I got away for the day yesterday. Need to leave the dorm, the campus, the city; strangely enough I got tired of see the same things over and over again. May be the place is starting to bore me? Mind not the education..the place. So on that note I decided to go to Newport (like going south for a day), that is Rhode Island's most scenic city on the Atlantic Ocean. I packed my bag, had lunch and caught a bus down. Some one and hours later I was there. First off, it was cold and bloody windy; I had to put on my glove just to feel my hands. After spending some time in the visitors' centre, I got directions to the "Cliff Walk", according to the guide 'a rather beautiful 3.5 mile walk along the coast amongst some of Rhode Island's most picturesque mansions.

The "Cliff Walk" was good. Good stuff ok pictures of some beautiful looking mansions, most of all I got away from Providence and JWU and their annoying ass students. Finally got to be on my own. And that was the best part.

Now back to the BPA (Baking and Pastry Arts), I finally switched over to a new segment: Hot and Cold Desserts. Who says I SCREAM FOR ICE-CREAM. Yep ice-cream, sorbet, sherbet and gelato for an entire nine days. Heaven, right!? The new chef is the one who is 'one short of a full deck'. In between her crazy antics she introduces herself and mentioned that she went to the other school, code name for the CIA here, to which everyone replied with a grunt. Oh I have finally met someone more anal than mother. She is stickler when it comes to sanitation, which has already annoyed everyone because they do it so slowly that what should take 30 minutes takes them 3 times as long. Anyway I am a scientist for 9 days, I left out the 'mad', 'crazy' and other synonyms because well I figure I need not admit that I am, because we can basically try any flavour that pops into our tiny little heads. SUPER COOL!! I have already made Passion Fruit Blackberry Ice-Cream, can't wait to try it. To top it off we get to take pictures of our plates, yes we are finally plating some of the some we make. HOORAY - sexy pictures to come.

I also took time to visit the career fair that JWU hosted on campus. I spoke to a chef from Disney and the summer internship that he was offering me was sweet. Paid and your own place plus work like a dog in one of the 12 bake shops producing over 7000 covers. Dude? Where do I sign up? In addition I got some insight into more the research side of things in the pastry world. Some gentlemen from International Flavors and Fragrances (IFF) where there and they pointed out that there is a need for research chefs, not food scientists but research chefs especially in the baking and pastries department. Possible switch in major? One will do more digging on this topic to see how much of a need.

Anyway it is early in the morning and my fingers are cold. I am going to do some laundry and hop back into bed.

1 comment:

  1. distracting me in a class with your adventures and prospects of being a research chef person as well as the prospect of Disney.

    can you do my laundry as well i just washed 20 t shirts last night and still lacking clean clothes :(
